A Plant, a Sea, a Plan, a Seed

From Here On
Group exhibition
Victoria Arts Council Gallery
July 29 – August 28, 2022

From Here On is an exhibition of works produced by ten MFA students at the University of Victoria, who are at pivotal points in their practices. Growing together amidst recent years of uncertainty, these artists nurture mutually supportive relationships to enrich their diverse ways of working.

As a container for relationships and diverse practices, From Here On suggests a point of departure. A moment of turning from what was, towards new and undetermined directions.

– Colton Hash

Installation audio:

A plant, a sea, a plan, a seed
Aluminum, wood, steel, containers, dried ivy, ink and pencil on paper, wool blanket, metal cabinet, inkjet prints, hand tools, soil, artificial plants, radio and audio transmitter, sound
4 x 4 x 8 ft